Category Archives: Social Media

The Best Facebook Shopping Cart has Arrived!

Everyone is on Facebook these days…….. so why not sell your products there!

Kelsey Media Productions is offering a Facebook shopping cart that we can setup with your products. This cart can be seamlessly embedded into one of your FB pages. Customers never have to leave Facebook to place their order. This is a great way to provide social networking for your business along with excitement about products. Take this shopping cart for a test drive and see for yourself….Facebook Shopping Cart Demo <a href=

Kelsey Media Productions specializes in Marketing Communications, Video Production, SMS Text Messaging, Digital Media, Marketing Events, Website Spokesperson, Desktop/Mobile Shopping Carts, Web Design for Internet & Mobile Devices. Call us now at 781.365.4800


“It is important to make sure your website can be accessed by customers using mobile devices.”

More people are accessing the internet with mobile devices than computers. The holidays are already predicting more smart phones will be sold than ever! Kelsey Media Productions has produced several websites for businesses… We will create a website designed to render on all the popular hand held mobile devices. Your project will be handled by a team who knows their way up, down, and around the entire process of designing, developing and deploying mobile websites.

Unlike most companies offering this service, we will take your existing web design and format it for mobile use. There is no additional costs required. Your mobile website can be placed within a folder on your server. We will install a redirect code within your main website home page that will detect when a mobile user is visiting. The redirect will automatically direct the mobile user to your new mobile website.

Mobile and PC users can have different reasons for visiting the same site. Mobile users are more likely to want information to help them at that location or time, such as finding directions or finding out what services are offered.

If you already have a website…. without using the proper coding and design your existing website navigation may be frustrating or your page layout along with content may be impossible to read. Flash buttons along with animation will not work properly with most mobile phones. Because of this, you may risk losing ground to your competition, failing to connect with users and missing out on opportunities to extend and strengthen your services.

Our experience and expertise will make your mobile device website a winner. For more information and work samples visit

Time to go mobile –

On-Line Mobile Ordering Increased Revenue…..

Rungreen mobile site increases online traffic by 10 percent.
By Rimma Kats
July 22, 2010

Online retailer Rungreen has increased its online traffic 10 percent via the launch of its mobile-optimized site.

“We asked to be upgraded as soon as possible so that we could maximize the huge potential of mobile going forward,” said Paul Bondsfield, ecommerce manager at Rungreen, Holland, MI.

“We know that smartphones are being utilized at a rising pace – and wanted to be part of that.

“[A challenge was] the ability to stay on top, continue to tap into new customer bases, and make our products available quickly and efficiently,” he said. “We hope to utilize new technology to solve any challenges that stand in the way of our customers browsing where they want and when they want.”

Rungreen is wholly-owned by Fillmore Equipment, which owns several John Deere dealerships.

Mobile retail
Using the service, retailers can bring their online stores, individual products or promotions to their social media communities.

The mobile package lets a retailer open a mobile-optimized store that is accessible from any iPhone or other smartphone platforms.

The package includes an mcommerce template design, mobile store logo, mobile banner graphics and an auto-detect script that routes mobile consumers to a retailer’s store.

“Web stores like Rungreen need to be able to provide their clients with the ability to buy their products from wherever they are located,” he said. “Many times their customers may be out in the field when they realize that they need a specific part, being able to order the parts or products without needing to go back to their office is essential.

Social media
In addition to the mobile package, there is also a Facebook Package that adds an online store tab to a retailer’s Facebook profile page and a Facebook icon to the online store for instant shopping links.

Retailers using the Twitter package can create and send promotion updates.

Additionally, the blog package lets retailers create their own blog and post entries.

“From the mobile version of the Web store, customers can view the home specials items that are currently on sale, as well as search for items on the store, or browse store categories,” Mr. Gil said. “Once a product they are interested is found, they can view the product along with all images available, any reviews for the product, and options available.

“The visitor can add the item they are looking at to their shopping cart and checkout securely,” he said. “Additional functionality includes the store administration being able to log into a mobile version of their store control panel to view orders, customers, and products.”

Kelsey Media Productions can provide on-line shopping for computer and mobile devices call us now at 781.365.4800 for more information.

Corporate Viral Video of the Month: Coca-Cola Happiness Machine

Posted by Kelsey Media Productions Blog on March 4, 2010

It’s clear that here, at Kelsey Media Productions we believe using video is the most effective way to market your company online. Video provides a platform that is both personal and visually stimulating. We then use search engine optimization techniques to route as much traffic to your content as possible. However, in the case of “Viral” videos, it is the content itself that generates the massive volume of viewers that are so desired in online marketing. When executed well, viral videos can provide a substantial amount of attention for your company. Amusing time wasters like Chocolate Rain or Miss Teen South Carolina are great example of videos that have gone viral. However, using the appeal of viral video for corporate promotion is something that many companies strive for but only a few have managed to succeed, even without the use of sputtering sentence fragments or the soothing baritone of Tay Zonday.

In many ways, the key to an effective viral video is to keep it simple. The most successful corporate viral videos provide a brief smile and enough interest to pass along to a friend. Corporate viral videos do best with little dialog so it’s important to not be too wordy. This week’s corporate viral video of the week is the Coca-Cola Happiness Machine video. This video was posted on YouTube on January 12, 2010 and already has over a million hits. It is an example of a strong corporate viral video. The concept is simple and the focus of the video is the action rather than the script. Often, companies will try too hard to be funny and miss a large audience because humor is subjective. The Coca-Cola video won’t make you laugh out loud, but it will keep you smiling and has mass appeal. Another technique used in this video which makes it successful in the viral format, is that it’s not over produced. The hidden camera or home camera look is very effective with viral videos, it provides a more personal and intimate tone that we associate with Internet video and distinguish from television.

Ultimately, the successful corporate viral video does not express an overt point of view, but provides a moment of harmless levity in an otherwise dull corporate day. And therein lies the art. Contact us today at 781.365.4800 to see how you can create your own viral video!

Creating more webtraffic with Video Marketing

Introduction to Video Marketing
Without going about the usual blabber, I’m just going to ask you a simple question and that is … have you ever heard of YouTube? If your answer is yes, then you have already experienced the effects of video marketing and if you honestly answered no to that question, then I have to honestly tell you that you’ve been living under a rock all this while. I’m dead serious.

youtube video marketing

Because you see … out of the millions and millions of webpages and websites out there, YouTube is ranked #2 in terms of the volumes of traffic that they experience. What does this tell you? It tells you that video is extremely engaging and addictive which brings us to our main point and that is “How can I bring truckloads of targeted traffic to my website?”.

Easy on me now as I do my best to explain step by step and give you countless tips as to how you can go about riding on the coattails of sites like YouTube and the like and get lots of traffic. Oh, did I mention also that the traffic is FREE and viral?

Before I show you how you can create your own videos, let me show you the pointers to making Video Marketing work:

1) Keep Your Video Short … People in this day and age are busy and easily distracted so unless there is real value and the video is really engaging, they will MOVE ON. By keeping your videos short, they are more easily persuaded to check out your video and also grasp the point of your video much more quickly. As a general guideline, anything from 1 min 30 secs right up to 10 mins would be good.

2) Give Quality Information and Great Value … Surfers like to pick up new things and find out great information all the time. By giving them great value, you also make your videos viral because they are then persuaded to share the videos with their friends thereby increasing your visibility.

3) Title Your Video Appropriately and Attractively … If your video is about your great tips on fishing, title it something like “Watch Me Catch 20 Kgs of Fish In Just 74 Mins”. Compare that to “Great Tips On Fishing”, which do you think works better at getting their attention? Remember, you want to appear unique and interesting. One very important point to note … make sure your keywords are in there also. We must never forget SEO or search engine optimization. You want your videos ranked highly on search engines, dont you?

4) Submit Your Videos To Multiple Video Sites … You need to leverage as much as possible every single video you create. Why submit to one site when you can submit to 20 others? Why 20 when you can do 40? After all, your whole point of video marketing was to gain traffic (which hopefully turns into a positive cashflow). What follows is a list of the best 8 video sites that you can submit your videos to:

  • YouTube – Biggest One Of Them All (Lots of junk here though)
  • DailyMotion – Gotten lots of views with this
  • MetaCafe – Same goes for MetaCafe
  • Revver – Pretty strict with copyrighted stuff

5) Display Your Site URL Clearly … There are 2 main places to display your url so that your audience know where to look for you. You need to put your link somewhere on your video (more on that in point #6). The other place you should have your URL / site link is where the description of the video is (see screenshot). Some sites make it clickable (like YouTube) so that’s to your advantage.

6) Display URL on the Video … There are 2 main styles of displaying your URL on the video. One is to pad the video at the beginning and at the end of it. The other is to show the URL at the bottom of the video throughout the video. Decide what’s best for you.

7) Mass Submitting Your Video … Coming back to point #4, if you’ve decided that you or you would like Kelsey Media Productions to put up your videos on multiple sites, it’s best then to use some tool to achieve that so that you save your time (i.e leverage). You don’t really wanna log in to each and every single video site and upload your video one at a time, do you?

8.)Be passionate and enthusiastic – This is a KILLER TIP! If you can convey a sense of enthusiasm and passion shows up clearly in your videos, you have a very high chance of your audience wanting to find out more about your products and services. Ask the top salespeople around. They’ll attest to this.

9) Be focused – Be focused on the objective of your video so that your audience know what is going on. Confusion is not going to work well in your favor.

10) Provide a call to action – At the end of your video, provide a call to action such as “Head over to http://… right now” or “Want A Free Report?”, etc

11) Submit Your Video To Social Bookmarking Sites – Yes, you can submit your videos to social bookmarking sites as well like StumbleUpon, Digg, etc … No better way to get even more viewers!

Video Marketing in Conclusion

I hear people say a lot of times why they don’t want to do any video marketing and I’ll like to address some possible objections here:

1) I can’t speak well enough – Hey, if you can speak to the average person on the street in your own language, there’s no reason why you can’t do videos. Contrary to the myth that you need perfect english, a casual tone would work much better than the “perfect professor’s english” (if you know what I mean).

2) I’m too ugly for video – Sheesh … you don’t have to appear on video if you don’t want to. And if there’s a real need for a real person’s face to present some product or service, photo stills can work or you can always outsource it, can’t you?

3) It’s too time consuming – Well, it depends on the niche and how complicated you want the video to be.

So you see … there’s really no reason for you not to give video marketing a shot. If you like to get in touch with us, feel free to contact Kelsey Media Productions 781.365.4800 and have fun with your video marketing! =)

Top Ten Ways to Use Twitter for Marketing

written by Jason OConnor (c) 2009

Twitter is a micro-blogging site that asks you a basic question, “What are you doing?” It allows anyone with an account to write up to 140 characters in a text field as a means to update, comment, promote or communicate to others who are “following” you. When people follow you, they see what you’ve recently contributed when they login. They see your “tweets”, which are the messages you leave. And of course you can follow others who tweet about the things that interest you. As an Internet marketer you may want to follow other Internet marketers, for example.

Like anything, and this is especially true of working with social media, the more you give, the more you get. In other words, the more often you tweet the more activity you’ll generate. Some suggest that you tweet a few times a day, every day. Not every tweet needs to be profound. But they should all be useful.

It’s important that you don’t abuse Twitter for marketing and promoting your products, services or affiliate links. Most of your tweets ought to be about offering your followers useful and valuable information. Only once in a while should you try to use Twitter to promote something. Otherwise you’ll be perceived as a spammer, and no one wants that tag.

Imagine if you had a large number of people following your tweets? Some people have tens of thousands following them. If you had something to promote and you had a large following, you could quickly and efficiently alert a lot of people of your promotion. It acts sort of like an opt-in mass emailing blast to your house email list, but it’s a heck of a lot easier and faster. This is the power of Twitter.

One thing that I’ve noticed with Twitter is that it can seem overwhelming at times. The sheer information on Twitter, the ‘how-to’s’, tutorials and all the other ubiquitous advice on how to use and take advantage of it can seem hard to understand and implement. So here’s an easy-to-understand list of the top ten ways in which you can use Twitter to market yourself, your business and your website.

The Top 10 Ways To Use Twitter for Marketing:

1. Use it to promote new pieces of content you or your company create to drive traffic to your site. From online articles to blog posts or from videos to webinars, each time you add something to the Web that is of value, tweet about it and include a link. (Most people on Twitter use to take a long URL and make it short.)

2. Use it for learning new marketing ideas, strategies and techniques. If you follow the right people, and you have to be picky about who you follow, you’ll get pointed to a good amount of useful tutorials, videos, e-zines and other things that teach you about marketing.

3. Use it to get new customers. Use Twitter’s search to find people who may be interested in your product or service. There are many ingenious ways to search for people on Twitter. For example, if you sell red widgets you could go to and find people who have tweeted specifically looking for red widgets. To do this, type the following into the search box: red widgets?

• You’ll notice a lot of the results will be of others selling red widgets. These ones will all obviously have links in them to direct people to the site they’re selling red widgets on. To weed these people/tweets out, use the negative sign like this: -http red widgets?

• Since every link has ‘http’ in it, using the negative sign in front of it will cause your search results to not include any tweets with links in them.

4. Use it to build your email list. Use Twitter’s search to find people who may be interested in the monthly newsletter you send out to your opt-in house email list. Invite these people to join.

5. Utilize Twitter plugins or add-ons such as TweetMyBlog or The Twitter Updater, which both automatically make tweets of every new blog post you publish. Also check out TwitThis. When visitors to your website click on the TwitThis button or link, it takes the URL of the Web page and creates a shorter URL using TinyURL. Then visitors can send this shortened URL and a description of the web page to all of their followers on Twitter. Finally, look at TweetLater, a service that allows you to write lots of tweets at once and then schedule them to go out over time.

6. Use it to build buzz about an upcoming product or website launch.

7. Use it to better brand yourself or your business. Remember, when someone wants to learn more about you or your company, they are increasingly using sites like Twitter for research. You could easily use Twitter to establish yourself as an authority in your field.

8. Use it to update followers on breaking news regarding your company. If your company is mentioned in a new article, tweet about it and include a link to the article. Or if you’re at a conference or trade show, you could tweet what you’re doing and invite people to visit you in person.

9. Use it for business networking, master-mind groups (see Napoleon Hill), and getting yourself seen by high-profile people in your industry.

10. Use it as an instant messaging system to keep you and your team on the same page during projects. This is especially useful for those who work with teams spread out in different cities or countries.

You should note that this top 10 list is not in order of importance or in any particular order. I suggest that you give Twitter a try if you haven’t already. See if you can apply a few of these techniques and tactics to help you take advantage of Twitter as a marketing tool.

And one more important thing to remember is that there is no silver bullet in marketing. You should always be trying and implementing numerous tactics when marketing your business. Don’t only rely on Twitter or any other one thing. Instead, use Twitter (or any other Web 2.0 site) as simply one more tool in your entire social media and marketing toolbox.

YouTube Launches Site for Smartphones

By Chris Crum – Fri, 08/07/2009 – 09:46
Made for iPhone, G1, Palm Pre

Smartphone users now have their own version of YouTube. The company says that smartphone users with “capable” browsers like the iPhone, G1, and Palm Pre can access the mobile site.

“As more and more people are using the browser on their smartphones for checking email, visiting websites, and even accessing YouTube, we want to make sure that we provide the best possible YouTube experience on your mobile browser,” says YouTube Product Manager Dwipal Desai.

Users can log into their account, view their favorites, and find and share videos just like normal. “It’s part of our mission to create the best possible YouTube experience for you, whether you use the site on your computer, in your living room, or on the go,” says Desai.

To access the new mobile site, just go to from your mobile phone. From there you’ll be taken to a new website designed specifically for your mobile device.

This version of YouTube is not available on all devices, keep in mind. According to some people commenting on YouTube’s announcement, it doesn’t work on the Blackberry Bold, or the Sony PSP, to name a couple.

It’s gong to be wise for YouTube to be optimized for as many devices as possible, especially now that it has its own AdSense-type program. The site is also catering to new a lot more these days, which could increase demand for the site for users on the go.

More Companies Firing People Over Social Media (Mis)use

By Doug Caverly – Mon, 08/10/2009 – 14:46
Proprietary info not meant for Facebook

Employees should be more careful than ever about what sort of work-related information they post online. A new report indicates that companies are growing increasingly aware of inappropriate sharing, with many incidents resulting in someone getting fired.

Proofpoint found that businesses have definitely become wary about blogs. An official statement claimed that, during the past year, “17 percent disciplined an employee for violating blog or message board policies, while nearly nine percent reported terminating an employee for such a violation (both increases from 2008, 11 percent and six percent, respectively).”

It seems that firms are aware of YouTube and Facebook, as well. The report indicated that eight percent of corporations (each) got rid of people for violating policies pertaining to multimedia sites and social networks.

Finally, if employees figured they were safe using the relative newcomer, Twitter, they should think again. Proofpoint reported that 13 percent of U.S. companies investigated “exposure incidents” involving Twitter and Twitter-like services.


You might interpret this as evidence that people should learn to keep their mouths shut (and/or fingers still).  A more charitable view is that perhaps social media sites should make their privacy notices and options more visible.  Regardless, it looks like social media is starting to have a significant impact in the workplace.

You might interpret this as evidence that people should learn to keep their mouths shut (and/or fingers still). A more charitable view is that perhaps social media sites should make their privacy notices and options more visible. Regardless, it looks like social media is starting to have a significant impact in the workplace.

New Mobile Marketing Guidelines

Open for Public Review
By Chris Crum – Fri, 08/07/2009 – 14:12
To Be Published in September

Mobile marketing is going to become increasingly hard for businesses to ignore. Just look at how much mobile advertising is already going on.

The key of course (which could really be said of other kinds of marketing), is to not be annoying about it. WebProNews recently interviewed former Yahoo executive and current Chief Revenue Officer of mobile marketing firm Crisp Wireless, Tom Foran, about this.

There are some new guidelines for mobile marketing in the works from none other than the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), whom I like to think of as kind of like the Interactive Advertising Bureau for mobile marketing. The MMA consists of agencies, advertisers, hand-held device manufacturers, carriers and operators, retailers, software providers and service providers, and other companies focused on marketing with mobile devices.

The MMA has opened up a public review period for the guidelines, which runs through the end of the month. They new guidelines will be published in September. News updates and additions to the guidelines include:

– The MMA’s new Universal Mobile Advertising Package (UMAP), which provides industry-standard ad units.

– The Mobile Application section has been expanded from North America only to worldwide.

– An expanded MMS section, including new ad units and guidelines.

– An expanded Mobile Video & TV section with new ad units and guidelines.

– An expanded Mobile Applications section with new ad units and guidelines

“The MMA’s Global Mobile Advertising Guidelines are designed to provide the timely, actionable guidance and insights necessary to continue mobile advertising’s phenomenal growth,” said Mike Wehrs, MMA president and CEO. “By making each new version of the Global Mobile Advertising Guidelines available for public review, the MMA ensures that this resource meets the needs of the entire mobile advertising ecosystem.”

eMarketer estimates that there will be 280.8 million mobile phone subscribers by the end of the year, while comScore says there will be 29 million smartphone users. Meanwhile, AdMob is getting ready to serve its 100 billionth mobil

Sidenote: See our interview with MMA President and CEO Mike Wehrs below:

Kelsey Media News